

A different appreciation of management: managers as human beings who are more than just high flyers. More than bright sparks whose emotions and bodies need humouring so that they are able to function. This involves successful management, particularly in conjunction with passionate, energetic people, in other words, with people who manage their emotions in an appropriate fashion and refrain from exploiting their bodies as a mere transportation vessel for their minds.

At evolutionen we use the term "post heroic" for such management. A post heroic manager also needs discipline; here, too, performance is demanded by their company and their role. But this also involves something more: for such managers esteem is a must, both in their own eyes and in the eyes of others. In a nutshell: no esteem, no value creation.

This notion is grounded upon experience. On the one hand, experience of the post 1968 social upheaval: authenticity is becoming important, indeed, without it our society is inconceivable. This experience also encompasses the disappearance of patriarchy and its hierarchies. In consequence, the person in charge is no more and no less valuable than one of their associates. However, they both know their place; it is the person in charge who makes the decisions.

Thus, when we speak in terms of human dignity and management, including with regard to you personally, it is not a utopia, a transfigured ideal, which we have in mind. Rather, the issue at stake is that you should also live your everyday experiences of family, partnership and personal dealings in the business arena. On the ball, alert and in harmony with yourself and others.

The fact that there is a dearth of models in this field means that we are breaking new ground: you will live a new management style which correlates with your personal values and perception of people. We will accompany you along this path, in the process furnishing up to date scientific findings and stylish and smart solutions which have been developed in Europe and the United States and which are gradually gaining a foothold at the universities.